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Fry String Bean In Button Mushrooms

Fry Sting Bean in Button Mushrooms
gan bian 
      mo gu si ji dou



Button Mushroom     1/2 can
String Bean      150 g
Minced Chinese Ham    1 tbsp
Tianjin Preserved Vegetable    30 g
Spring Onion     3 stalks

Salt    1/3 tbsp
Light Soy Sauce    1 tbsp
Sugar   1/3 tbsp
Sesame Oil     some
Water     2 tbsp



1)  Slice the button mushrooms, parboil in hot oil for a while, dish up
2)  Wash the preserved vegetable, squeeze out water, then mince
3)  Trim away the end of string bean, cut in shorts stalks
4)  Parboil the string beans in hot oil till wrinkle, dish up
5)  Heat wok with 1 tbsp of oil, add preserved vegetable, then the mushroom
6)  Stir slowly, then add string beans and seasoning       
7)  Stir and mix well until liquid becomes dry, add spring onion
8)  Dish up, dash the minced Chinese ham on, serve


tbsp -     table spoon