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    A total of 645 news

Zhangjiang-a Beautiful Coastal City

2013/7/26 0:00:00

  Zhanjiang, situated in the southwest of Guangdong Province, is known as a beautiful coastal city that can absolutely help you unwind. Sea is its most distinguished feature. In summer, sky and sea are hardly separable in that all-pervading azure just like a whole blue piece of ribbon with shining golden dots . Herman Melville's metophor well describes such a scene,( quote), " Aloft, like...

Cultural Thirst Drives China's Top Tea Boom

2013/7/23 0:00:00

Fifteen years ago, the Lam family business picked up a consignment of aged tea from a defunct Hong Kong restaurant. Its value has since risen by a factor of 10,000, as the Lams have found themselves part of a boom that is both investment fad and cultural obsession. "It's like magic," managing director Sam Lam says, as he prepared tea according to the Chinese ritual, pouring boiling water throu...

A Person's Love Affair with China

2013/7/15 0:00:00

Arie Boeve's love affair with China and the Chinese began 20 years ago, but the passion persists and the love has borne fruit through his book Stories of Lao Arie. One day in 1993 Arie Boeve walked out of his apartment near Beijing's Asian Games Village. Pointing at a white guy walking past him, the Dutch man uttered something that surprised even himself: "Wow, there's a foreigner," he shout...

Forbidden City Concert Hall hosts family-friendly music events

2013/7/9 0:00:00

The Summer holidays have officially begun, Beijing has some special offerings for the little ones. The "Gateway to Music" began on Monday at Beijing’s Forbidden City Concert Hall. The two-month event features an eclectic mix of performances with some pleasing ticket prices to boot. Shen Li said, "A family night out to a concert on a budget of under 100 yuan. Sound too good to be true? Well the ...

Healthy Sleeping-Are You Getting Enough

2013/6/18 0:00:00

  Do you wonder if you are getting enough sleep, too much sleep, sleep at the wrong time of day? Often, an inconvenient sleeping pattern can just be a pain in the neck, but when you have a busy life to lead it can affect the way you work until eventually, it becomes unhealthy. It is recommended by the National Institutes for Health that the average adult should have 7.5 to 9 hours of slee...

NBA Star’s Coming

2013/6/18 0:00:00

  On June 4, the Launching Ceremony of Basketball Open of Shanghai Citizen Sports Games & the 5th Lingang Cup Basketball Tournament was held at SMU, kicking off the final selection of the Basketball Open of Shanghai Citizen Sports. Meanwhile, as an important part of NBA promotion activity, NBA star O.J. Mayo, playing for Dallas Mavericks, turned up in the ceremony and interacted with t...

Guyi Exorcising Opera

2013/6/3 0:00:00

Guyi Exorcising Opera in Wu’an County, Handan City, is developed from the ancient exorcising ceremony, exorcising music, exorcising dance and the custom of exorcising. It is various in kinds and characters and is the quintessence of the Exorcising Culture in the remote antiquity, the medieval times and the recent antiquity. According to its social function, it is divided into three types: the fi...

Foreigners learn to make Chinese knot

2013/5/31 0:00:00

  The 5th Beijing Salon was held at Tianbao Runde Antique Exhibition Center on May 26 and more than 100 foreigners attempted to make Chinese knots, a decorative handicraft artwork. Co-hosted by Beijing This Month magazine and Beijing Foreign Culture Exchange Center, the salon is a monthly cultural event and aims to show foreigners the beauty of Beijing culture. Kunqu Opera, the Lantern F...

Dim Sum in Yangzhou

2013/5/28 0:00:00

  Yangzhou has some of the best traditional Chinese gardens in the country, Ge Yuan and He Yuan, as well as the Thin West Lake, beside the old site of the Grand Canal. It's less famous among tourists than its neighbor Suzhou, but the food is more interesting as it represents Huaiyang cuisine, one of China's four most famous food cultures. Most guides will take you to either the Ye Chun...

Fairy Lake Botanical Garden

2013/5/24 0:00:00

  Situated in the east suburbs of Shenzhen, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden leans against Phoenix Tree Mountain which is the highest peak of Shenzhen. It covers an area of 588 ha (2.27 sq mi). Established in 1983, this is a multifunctional botanical garden integrating scientific research, plant species collection and display as well as tourism. In order to better develop the botanical garden, ...

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