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About The Shawshank Redemption

About three years ago, I watched The Shawshank Redemption, which greatly struck me. This movie is about the pursuit of freedom. The most important thing that the movie wants to tell the audiences is that freedom is by no means easy to gain, through the process of fighting for freedom, you probably have to yield to authority in order to survive at times, and you have to experience a lot of things that make you feel discouraged. In other words, this movie perfectly shows us the meaning of true freedom.
There is a scene in the movie when an old man who had spent most of his life in the prison was released. He was so institutionalized that when facing a free and new life, he suddenly lost his courage to live and killed himself in a house. Then the movie presents us with a paradox: once freedom comes, it may have lost its luster, because without the support of life and the meaning of life, freedom is no more than another prison. It was the support of faith that drove Andy to struggle hard to gain his freedom while maintaining its luster.
The poster of The Shawshank Redemption
After watching the movie, I was wondering that if I was that old man, would I do the same thing as him? I quote, "These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalizing.."  Due to this institutionalizing, people gradually lose their hope and become numb, but please remember another quote, " Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. Therefore, we should always bear this in mind: get busy living or get busy dying."