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Sweet Drinks May Cause Seven Diseases
Studies have shown that the consumption of sweet drinks has close relation with the risks of kidney stones and urinary tract stones. Sweet drinks will reduce the intake of calcium and potassium while increase the sucrose absorption, which may lead to kidney stones.
Researchers have proved that sweet drinks promote obesity, and less sweet drinks will be conducive to weight control.
It is suggested that for people who have more sweet drinks, their intake of dietary fiber, starchy staple food, and protein will be less. This is particularly detrimental to children and adolescents. In addition, people who drink sweet beverages usually have inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals.
An eight-year tracking investigation of 91,249 women found that the risk of diabetes doubles for people who drink one bottle of sweet drink or more every day compared with those who drink less than one.
Studies have shown a significant association between sweet drinks and reduced bone mineral density. Too much sweet drink will increase the risk of fracture.
6. Dental caries
The intake of sweet drinks and the risk of dental caries are positively correlated. Increased risk of tooth decay is probably due to the reason that sweet drinks will cause calcium loss. Therefore, teeth become vulnerable.
Sweet drinks can raise the uric acid in human body, and enhance the risk of gout. Some researchers suggest that excessive consumption of sweet drinks may even cause high blood pressure.
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