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A big cultural difference between China and other countries shared by some foreigners in china

A: I'm from England and have spent the last 3 years working in China.
Before I worked as a designer in England for 12 years.

I'm now leading a team of designers here in China. But I've come across a big cultural difference in managing.

Before I moved to China came here on Business trip and visited many offices and factories. To briefly concluded my experience I was shocked at how the bosses treated the staff. No respect, no consideration, or encouragement. At that time I thought to myself  this is a horrible situation. I said to myself that I would never be this type of boss if I worked here.

A few years on I'm in the situation of leadership within a Chinese company, now facing problems. My leadership method is to encourage and inspire get the best out of them in a non threatening manner. I try to teach them initiative and creativity. This has back fired on me.

Many of my Chinese friends outside work and even my translator have said that for the Chinese people, they need to be told what to do every step of the way and you need to do it in a strong and direct way. They say its 'kill or be killed'. If workers see that you are a reasonable and understanding they will take advantage. I've also been told many times about the Chinese education system where the students are used to being told what to do by the teachers, which leaves little room for their own initiative and think. So they are used to following the orders the leaders give them.

My beliefs are different to the office system in China also I'm a foreigner in China and I don't want to go down the road of how I've seen other foreigner treat Chinese people in the work place which is not very respectful.

B: I on't know where are you woring now. For my opinion , the situation is much different in shenzhen, the chinese engineer is creative and self-conscious in here. you just told them what is your task, then they will finish it well within time.
C: it is more the creative field where product need a fresh approach, its not just a case of do this do that.
So for example, we need 30 products with some imagination and innovation to them. The designer also needs to put the creative input to come up with the final result. But much of the time they don't know how to do, or waiting the the leader to tell them what to do. The Chinese company like to hire foreigners to teach the Chinese designers how to think out of the box and be more creative, that is their aim. But in reality is is not easy if the background and educational system doesn't promote this.
D: I know exactly the point u r making...
In UK I thank my staff at the end of each day when they say goodbye> I dont go over the top just a passing "thank you"
Where I can, I will throw a few extras on the table for staff also I never see an attitude like this in China. My Chinese office girl (just one) seems embarraced each year when I add $20 to her monthly pay, after the first year when I did that she said in a shocked way "why?" but was still shocked when I told her why...........
I am still very disappointed when I visit factories there and see how staff are treated......It wont change for a long time although working conditions have got much better in the last 12 years since I first went
E; I am an engineer and I work in a big state-owned enterprise as s project manager for nearly ten years.My opinion is as following:
At first,we should realize that there are two kinds of talents in the world.One is a good "soldier",another is a good "commander",also we can think of them as "hand" and "brain".
A good "soldier" has expertise in "doing" as well as  a good "commander" in "commanding".
China also has many expertises with intiative and creativity.Before you hire them ,the boss should be clear "the type of person he want" and "the type of person he hire",then decide whether the applicant is qualified for your offer.
F:Well, based on my observation, in some degree, it depends on the leader itself. In china, some leaders are not very friendly, but fastidious, even some trivial things his staff is doing or have done, he want to intervene, which makes his staff uncomfortable, so next time what his staff do is to consult him first in case problem being picked. That is why the staff is not initiative.