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Safety of Taking Train in China

The safety issue in the China train station is needed to be paid high attention. Thefts always hang around train station to find their goal-person. So here we list some tips when foreign travelers take trains in China.
♦ When waiting your train:
Always set your belongings in front of you: considering the crowded situation in train stations, it is better to ensure all your belongings can be seen in your sight.
The important things such as your passport, visa, wallet etc. are needed to be packed in the bag which you always carry.
Ensuring the train ticket in your hand and don’t show or give it to any other stranger. Because the stranger may be a cheat, he may change your ticket into a fake one.
♦ When getting on the train
The stairs to the platforms will ask you to carry packages up and down frequently
Ensure your kids are following you in the crowds
♦ When on the train
Do keep safe and be careful to guard against theft, never leave your seat empty or unattended at any time.
Overnight train may have higher risks on being stolen.