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China Calls for More Cultural Activities During Festivals

Authorities on Friday called for more cultural programs and activities during the upcoming new year and the Spring Festival, or the Chinese lunar New Year.

The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, jointly released a circular on Friday, calling for enriching the cultural lives of its citizens.

The circular said that the publicity departments at different levels should organize cultural and arts institutions to go to rural areas, urban communities, factories, border areas and military camps to deliver performances and cultural experiences during the festivals.

Spring Festival, the most important holiday period for Chinese people, starts Jan. 23. The holiday period runs from Jan. 22 to 28, and in addition there is a three-day holiday from Jan. 1 to 3.

Radio stations, TV channels and evening parties should provide their audiences with first-class programs reflecting the core values of China's cultural tradition, said the circular.

The circular called for free admission to public cultural institutions, including cultural centers, museums, libraries, and galleries.

It also called for enhanced regulations to stifle vulgar, pornographic, and superstitious programs and activities.