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China Climate is Distinct by Region

China lies chiefly in the northern Temperate Zone under domination of monsoon.

 Distinct China climate zones

Monsoon Winds
From September to April of next year, monsoon wind arrives from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau into Chinese territory and decline by the time it reaches south of China, causing dry and cold winter in the country and tremendous temperature differences almost about 40 degree between the north and south regions.

Most of China's rainfall comes during the monsoon season between May and October.

The Seasons
Great differences in temperature and climate are found from region to region owing to China's extensive territory and complex geography.

The northern part of Heilongjiang Province in northeast China has no summer, while Hainan Island has a long summer but no winter; the Huaihe River valley features four distinct seasons; the western part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is covered by snow almost  all year round; the southern part of the Yunan-Guizhou Plateau is spring-like all the year; and the northwestern inland region sees a great drop of temperature in the day.

It also varies greatly based on regions; it is as high as 1,500 millimeters along the southeastern coast. Decreasing land ward, it is less than 50 millimeters in northwest.

The Temperature
China has many regional climates. Northern China has severe winters with temperatures reaching far below 0 degrees. Central China is milder with temperatures ranging from 30 degrees in the winter to 80 degrees in the summer. Eastern China has hot wet summers, while the western desert can have temperatures in the 100-degree range.
Source: China tourism